Sunday, October 2, 2016

Art Oktober 2016

Based on something said in an IRC room.


Some 3D art for once.

Kirby running, made in Rhinoceros (Rhino 3D 2.0) and mainly used to test some reflection maps I was trying out for cartoon style modeling in Rhino.

Some rough idea sketches made in MS Paint of a car I wanted to make.

The 3D models based on the final sketch.

I rarely try my hands at making humans in 3D but I've always wanted to make a cartoony big booty babe in 3D. I've actually tried a few times in the past but never felt I could get the job done so they all remain unfinished. This time I I decided to lower my pedantic insanity and allowed myself to settle with less than perfection and that made the process a lot easier, it only took a few hours to make from complete scratch and I only got stuck a little here and there and only remade some parts in minor ways, on the whole it went fairly smoothly and I am pleased with the results, I learned some interesting things about how Wings 3D handles certain situations and that helped me speed things up and simplify certain steps.
I know there's a lack of different angles showing her off but this isn't really a model meant to be used for anything additionally than modeling training and I doubt I'll use it again after this.

I wanted a goth version so I made a goth version.

Some more screenshots and renders with different lighting.


a simple running animation test

the bastards have landed!

bad weather we're having

tis the season 2 b spooky


an MS Paint sketch of a simple 3D jack-o-lantern pumpkin


Rouge The Bat hanging upside down training her legs with some inverted squats, drawn in ShiPainter


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