Some MS Paint/ShiPainter stuff I've made recently during so called "MS Paint compos" with some friends from an IRC channel I regular.
We get a theme, draw for one hour, hand in the results and then at the same time we look at the combined results, comment on them and rate them.
I'm working on enhanced versions of some of these but I have no set goal when they're finished, so they may never be.
Here are my original submissions for now.
Theme: Crab Invasion

Theme: Cats farting under the night sky

enhanced version with added shadows and other minor details

Theme: Milk Thieves

Theme: Feminazis of The Third Reich

Theme: Your favorite character interacting with your favorite weapon
I had problems getting started on this one as I couldn't pick a favorite weapon and didn't have any good idea how my favorite character (Rouge) could interact with it regardless of the weapon I'd pick, so almost half an hour of the total one hour drawing time was wasted, not knowing where to even begin, so it's a bit more rushed and basic than the rest, lacking all kinds of minor details and shading or a background of any sort.

Theme: Beach Sunset
Added some transparent elements in this one using the layer function in ShiPainter; the shadows cast by the palm and the light around the sun.

Theme: "I'm thinking, bud"
Didn't feel very inspired by this one so instead opted to just make something artistic and interesting to draw regardless of the end results. After only about 25 minutes I gave up as I couldn't come up with anything more to add that didn't detract too much from the theme and the only technical thing left to do was to clean up all the little leftover pixels left from the paint tool. Understandably I wasn't in the mood to do that.

Some snek tits because who doesn't love snek tits.

Bad Breath

A white girl mouse pinup.

Multiple alt. fart versions:

Happy Ratto De Mayo! Rat taking a fiesta.

Slightly enhanced version: